"FUIMUS - We Have Been"

"FUIMUS - We Have Been!" motto of Clan Bruce

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Wednesday 13 December 2023

BOOK NOOK; The Silver Witch by Paula Brackston


"And as for company...I do not crave the companionship of other women, for I have never found one who did not judge me against herself and find me either to be envied or pitied. As for the friendship of men...well, when the day comes when one is man enough to treat me as his equal, then, only then, will I allow desire to be my guide."

It is the time of year for snowy, wintry books and as we have already had our first sprinkling of snow in Yorkshire this winter, I decided to curl up with this seasonal novel.  The Silver Witch has been on my tbr list for over a year now. I knew it was a wintry read and so I wanted to wait until the days were colder and the nights dark and long, before I picked it up. I'm not sorry that I waited, because this is a book that begs to be read in the wintertime. 

It is set in the snowy Welsh mountains and the story takes place over the dark season of autumn and winter, encompassing a festive Christmas in a Welsh village. I do enjoy a good time-slip novel and this one is the perfect mix of past and present.  In this book we follow the main protagonist, Tilda, who moves into a remote cottage, by a lake in the Welsh mountains, following the death of her husband.  She is a potter and she has ambitions to turn part of the cottage into an art studio where she can work in peace, inspired by the landscape around her.  However, almost as soon as she moves in, Tilda begins to experience strange power cuts and bad dreams.  Terrified of deep water, she is uncharacteristically drawn to the lake and she often jogs around the shoreline in the early mornings.  Here she begins to have visions of a woman who lived there centuries ago...and so we meet Seren Arianaidd.

Seren is a shaman and a witch, the seer to a powerful prince who has many enemies, some within his own court. It is Seren's job to warn him of danger and keep the tribe safe. In doing so however, she makes powerful enemies. Those who do not understand her skills fear her and so she is always on the alert, looking out for any who would do her harm, so that she can exact her revenge in reprisal for their plots against her. As she says;

"I was taught to use my skills against anyone who would declare himself my enemy. Forgiveness is for mothers of small children, for wronged wives to give and petty thieves to receive. It is not for rulers or warriors. I do not love mankind. I cannot view the herd as any more than that. I keep my love for those deserving of it, and they are few enough."

Seren is a Celtic warrior witch. She uses her powers to protect her prince and those loyal to him, and to bring justice upon those who would betray him. She is a wonderful, strong female character, one who reminded me of Boudicca or Scathach. As Seren and Tilda's timelines become increasingly tangled together, Tilda becomes more courageous and proud of her true self, rather than hiding herself away in guilt and grief. 

This novel is full of ancient Celtic magic and romance, with guest star appearances by an ethereal water horse! Those were some of my favourite scenes. Here too, there are sudden snowfalls, a frozen lake and an archaeological dig that unearths more trouble for Tilda. 

Encompassing ghosts, visions and mysteries that need to be solved over a glass of wine, gathered round the fireplace with new friends, in the twinkling lights of a Christmas tree, the author has a similar writing style to that of Barbara Erskine, so if you like Erskine's time-slip novels you will probable like this one too. I had never read any of Paula Brackston's work before, but I shall certainly be picking up her other Witch novels, as I have enjoyed this one so much. 

The Silver Witch is an enchanting historical time-slip novel, with all the right wintry vibes for a gripping December read.  Definitely one to enjoy while curled up under a blanket, sipping hot mulled wine and nibbling on a festive mince pie. Happy reading!

Bright Blessings 
Marie x

AD: This book is available now in all formats. 

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