"FUIMUS - We Have Been"

"FUIMUS - We Have Been!" motto of Clan Bruce

All material on SHIMMERCASTDREAMS copyright of Marie Bruce MA and may not be reproduced without the author's permission.

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Saturday 5 March 2022

ONCE UPON A DREAM; Witch Supplies and Storage


Like most witches, I have a chest of magic tricks at my disposal - a chest which I fondly refer to as my witch's pantry.  Usually it is full of all the things I need to make my Craft fly and I like to have my supplies in good order.  The other day however, I went to my chest to find that it was almost empty.  

During the pandemic I haven't been visiting New Age shops as I normally would and now I'm kind of out of the habit of going to the local shopping centre too.  I'm sure its a habit I'll get back into at some stage, but because of this reluctance to be in large crowds of shoppers, my magical chest had run dry.

Of course herbs and oils don't last forever.  They have a shelf life, so it is good witchy practice to run things down once in a while and make sure everything is used up. Now though it was time to replenish my magical chest with all fresh ingredients, herbs, oils, smudge sticks and a few crystals for good measure.  I already had plenty of empty spell jars and pouches, so I didn't need anymore of those. It was really just the consumables I had to replenish. So I went shopping online and found some lovely things, just for witches!

First on my shopping list was Blessing Seeds.  I don't like to run out of these completely because they are just so useful.  You can literally use them for virtually any kind of spell and as the name would suggest, they lend the power of a sacred blessing to your magic. I picked up a large bag and refilled the jar I use to keep them in. 

Then I went looking for herbs.  I don't have green fingers - that's my mother's talent and she didn't seem to pass it on! - so I prefer to use dried herbs.  I had some sage, mint and rosemary that I had dried myself, which I'd picked from my Mum's garden, but I needed more and I needed a wider variety of herbs to use in spells. So I was delighted to come across this stunning box of witch's herbs.

The box itself is a dark, forest green with gold metallic lettering and design.  The box has a magnetic lid, which when opened reveals a plethora of dried herbs, bark, roots and flowers, selected specifically for their magical properties.  It is a beautiful work of art and something that is pretty enough to have out on display if you don't mind people knowing of your witchy interests.  Here in this enchanting box of tricks are all the staple herbs that you would expect to find in any witch's pantry - mugwort, motherwort, juniper, yarrow and willow bark, along with pretty petals of rose, peony and chamomile.  There is peppermint for prosperity, lavender for luck, dandelion for wishes and goals and many more. Altogether there are 25 bags of herbs, each one selected for its magical powers and usefulness in spell-craft, though you could also use them in candle and soap making too. 

As part of the collection, the box includes three little jars of crystal shards - mine were red jasper, lapis lazuli and malachite - along with an amethyst tumble stone crystal and the most adorable little spoon for measuring out your herbs.  I do have a herb spoon which is made of seashell that I picked up in an antique store in Castleton, Derbyshire some years ago, but it will be nice to have two. The spoon in the box is embossed with roses all over and has a clear quartz crystal at the top of the handle to amplify your spells. It could also double as a small wand to direct energy too.   It really is the most beautiful witchy item I have ever bought! So much thought has gone into making this collection as diverse and useful  as possible and between this box of herbs, my mother's garden and the jar of blessing seeds, I'm all set for spell craft!

Of course, I'm going to keep the magical herbs in their original keepsake box, because it is just too beautiful not to use everyday! This also leaves more space in my chest for other things, such as the Blessing Seeds jar and smudge bundles of white sage.  I also bought some jars of crystal shards too. I have a lot of tumblestones, but I also like to work with shards as they are very useful when making up containment spells, poppets, talismens and so on.  So I bought 12 jars, each filled with a different kind of crystal.

In addition, I replenished the things I use all the time such as spell candles and essential oils. I have spent a couple of happy hours this afternoon, sorting and organizing all my new witchy supplies and putting them neatly into the chest.  Now my witch's chest is heavy with magical possibility and I find it's weight very comforting!  These tools will prove invaluable as I start to cast for the safety of the military personnel who might be caught up in the Ukraine/Russia conflict.  Because that's just what good witches do - we cast spells to mitigate the impact of negative events.  Now I have all the tools I need to do just that!
Happy Casting!
BB Marie x

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