"FUIMUS - We Have Been"

"FUIMUS - We Have Been!" motto of Clan Bruce

All material on SHIMMERCASTDREAMS copyright of Marie Bruce MA and may not be reproduced without the author's permission.

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Monday 1 July 2019

ONCE UPON A DREAM; Spread Love and Light

Last week I charged and empowered a blue lapis crystal bracelet for a friend who was about to take her nursing exams.  She was very nervous, so I chose the crystals to bring her calmness, clarity and emotional balance as she went through her practical assessments.  This is the kind of thing I do quite often - if I see someone who is struggling with something and I think I can help with a touch of spell-craft, then I do.  It takes hardly any time at all, not much money and it spreads joy and comfort.  

The world can be a dark place at times and everyone is going through something, so I think it is important that we all try to spread as much love and light as we possibly can.   We can do this in so many ways, some magical, some mundane, but it is important that we do it. 

Many people go through daily life unaware of how they interact with others, oblivious to the fact that their attitude has an impact on perfect strangers.  Others actively seek to sow the seeds of discord wherever they go, with whomever is so unfortunate as to cross their path, even briefly.  If you meet someone like this, try to shrug it off and don't take it personally, because their bad behavior will only result in their own  misfortune at some stage further down the line.  You don't have to carry their rudeness with you - leave it behind. 

Some people just have a very dark aura and a negative impact on others so it's always best to avoid them if possible, but if you can't avoid them, then protect yourself from their bad energy with crystals and charms and simple spells.  Be vigilant because these people have a tendency to rear their very ugly heads time and again.  Good magic will help to keep them at bay. 

If you are having a run of bad luck, or you just sense bad vibes around you, it might be time to do some cleansing magic. Keep your own energy positive and regularly cleanse your home, car, yourself and your aura with smudge work.  Smudging is simple, quick, inexpensive and effective.  You should do a quick smudge whenever something negative has occurred; for example, my mother's car was recently bumped while in a car park and though the damage was minimal, the car just didn't feel right. I gave her a smudge stick and we got crystals for protection and safe travel, and now the car feels lovely again.  It really doesn't take much effort to keep the good vibes ticking along, but you do have to act fast after negative energy has invaded your space - don't allow it to linger and attract further problems.

Get whimsical with your magic.  Wear white heather or lavender for luck.  Plant rosemary for protection.  Wish on stars and dandelions, as you did when you were a child; this type of natural magic is still there and you can still tap into it, even as an adult.  

Bear in mind the rule of three; what you send out will some back to you threefold, which is another great reason for actively spreading love and light.  Try to do nice things for people because random acts of kindness have a healing effect.  Smile - it's free and it spreads joy.  Be kind to people - it helps to makes the world a nicer place.  Listen to the troubles of others, without making it about you - just listen and empathize.  Think twice before you react angrily to someone else's rudeness - respond with graciousness instead and lead by example.  

I know it's not always easy to do these things. Everyone has bad days, but if you make the extra effort to be more gentle with yourself and others, you will leave a positive imprint behind you, wherever you go.  Spread kindness and joy.  Live each day from a place of love and light.  Learn to see the world through heart-shaped eyes and you will have less stress in your life to keep you awake at night, plus more sleep means greater beauty, so its a win all round!  

Above all, be magical and never let anyone diminish your sparkle or shatter your serenity.  Allow your inner light to shine upon the world, regardless of what anyone else thinks, or says, about you. Shine anyway. 
Blessed Be and Love to You All,
Marie x

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