"FUIMUS - We Have Been"

"FUIMUS - We Have Been!" motto of Clan Bruce

All material on SHIMMERCASTDREAMS copyright of Marie Bruce MA and may not be reproduced without the author's permission.

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Monday 30 April 2018

ONCE UPON A DREAM; Placement Finished!

It has been a very busy and studious few days.  On Friday I did my last day on placement at Cruse Bereavement Care and I am now taking a break from volunteering for the summer months. So my Placement is now over, but I have not been idle, because I have had to finish writing my placement report essay.

This was a long, tedious piece of work.  The criteria to be met was very repetitive and boring.  There are certain words in the English language that I now loath and despise and if I get asked to evaluate or reflect on one more thing I think I'll scream.

The whole essay came in at around 15,000 words, so not as much as I had thought it would be, but still three times as much as our fly by night tutor told us it was!  Remember that this is 15,000 academic words - so it is by no means fun to write.  I'd rather write a book.  I have scanned in all the paperwork and now the entire unit is uploaded via the online portal and is awaiting the examiners to start marking finals.  I can do no more than I have done. It is now out of my hands.

I feel tired, drained and relieved to have it in and to be free of the stress of it for a while.  Because whatever happens, it means that today, I actually finished my training!  There might be a tweak of the essay and a quick re-sub to do, but all the hard slog is over with now and after five years of it, I am ready for the break. 

It has been stressful. There have been sleepless nights where I have been checking paperwork at 4am to make sure it has all been signed off correctly.  There have been bad dreams that I have lost all my work and need to begin again at level 1. Nightmare! There have been stress induced migraines and nose-bleeds.  It's just not been fun.

The work itself hasn't been intellectually difficult - if anything, the subject has been rudimentary, bombastic and boring. It's just tedious hoop-jumping and academic work is designed to induce stress in students. So much box ticking, just for the sake of it. So much paperwork to be signed off and checked and double checked.  I'm glad that it is over now.

There is also a sense of the surreal. It is hard to believe that it's finally finished and complete. I am now at liberty to free my creativity once more. Tomorrow is my first day of freedom from counselling in five years. 

I plan to sleep for England. 

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