"FUIMUS - We Have Been"

"FUIMUS - We Have Been!" motto of Clan Bruce

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Saturday 10 March 2012

BOOK NOOK; My Top Five Faerie Spell Books

Working with the energies of faeries and elemental spirits is an intrinsic aspect of paganism.  Belief in these beings is just as valid as holding a belief in angels, yet while most folk are open minded to the possibility of guardian angels, few would openly admit to a strong connection with the faerie realms.  This is largely due to the fact that faeries are considered to be fictional characters of children's bedtime stories, but the elemental energies that witches refer to as faeries are simply the natural energies of the environment and the archetypal personification of the four elements that make up the world of matter. Even the great alchemists believed in the power of the faerie elementals.

Having been drawn to all things magical and enchanting from a very young age, it was only a matter of time before I began to write about faeries!  For me they represent all that is beautiful and beguiling about the natural world around us.  Here then are my top five books of faery lore and faery spells;

Top Five Faery Books

1.  Faeriecraft by Alicen and Neil Geddes-Ward

2. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Fairies by Anna Franklin

3. Enchantment of the Faerie Realm by Ted Andrews

4. A Complete Guide to Fairies & Magical Beings by Cassandra Eason 

5. Fairy Lore by Anna Franklin and Paul Mason

Faeriecraft is my personal favorite and not just because the author Alicen, and artist Neil, are my friends! It is beautifully written in a poetic style and has lots of stunning artwork throughout.  I really like the way in which Alicen has crafted a faerie book that hangs securely upon a Wiccan framework, as this gives a point of reference to those with some magical experience, even if they have never cast faerie spells before.  This is a very enchanting read and will make you want to set up a faerie altar and get out into the woods as soon as possible!  Anna Franklin's encyclopedia is also beautifully illustrated  and provides a stunning reference book that would enhance any magical bookshelf.   Ted Andrews and Cassandra Eason provide basic introductions to working magically with the elemental spirits which are great for new practitioners or young teenage witches.   The final book on my list, Fairy Lore is a guide to who and what the faeries are and as the title suggests, is more concerned with the folklore of this quite fascinating subject.

The CD (left) Faerienights is a fantastic album of harp music composed by Patricia Spero and inspired by the faerie realm.  I was delighted when I was asked to write the magical sleeve notes for this album, and I included spells and of course, some poetry too.  It is an ideal musical accompaniment to any faerie ritual.  As spring is in the air and the equinox is just around the corner, now is a great time of year to begin working faerie spells.  Get out and about, feel the quickening in the earth and the greening in the forests.  Take your collection of fairy books along for a spring time picnic or read in the garden on a sunny day.  Enjoy the enchantment and faerie essence of an awakening world.

All book and album titles on this list can be found on www.amazon.co.uk   Happy casting!

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