"FUIMUS - We Have Been"

"FUIMUS - We Have Been!" motto of Clan Bruce

All material on SHIMMERCASTDREAMS copyright of Marie Bruce MA and may not be reproduced without the author's permission.

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Saturday 9 April 2022

BOOK NOOK; Gallant by V E Schwab


"Run, says her blood.

Stay, say her bones."

Gallant is the story of sixteen year old Olivia Prior, brought up in an orphanage and mute since birth.  She doesn't know much about her parents, only what she has gleaned from her mother's diary, which is her most treasured possession.  So when a letter arrives from a mysterious uncle she didn't know she had, inviting her to live with him at a Gothic mansion called Gallant, she is eager for a fresh start and a chance to get to know her family.

However, Gallant isn't all she hoped for. On arrival, she discovers that her uncle has been dead for some time and so could not possibly have written the letter. What is more, her cousin is hostile and doesn't want her at Gallant, a place he has claimed entirely as his own. To make matters even more distressing, Olivia can see the ghosts and ghouls that haunt the corridors of Gallant, including the sad specter of her own mother.  

Determined to stay, despite her cousin trying to show her the door more than once, Olivia must piece together the pieces of the puzzle to discover what happened to her mother, who her father was and why Gallant is so full of ghosts.  She embarks on a journey that will change her life and the lives of those around her, forever.

This is a great spooky book with an interesting protagonist.  Being unable to speak means that the dialogue is always entirely one sided, yet Olivia is a well-drawn character and the story is told entirely from her perspective, offering a glimpse into the frustrations of one who finds communication difficult.  Nevertheless, Olivia makes her feelings known quite plainly to anyone rude enough to turn their back on her sign language! 

There is no doubt that Gallant is a haunted house, but it isn't the only haunted house in the book, for there is another, far more sinister dwelling that Olivia is drawn to, one which holds the secrets to her heritage and family ties.

This is one of those books which is difficult to review, simply because I don't want to give anything away!  It is a great page turner and very atmospheric, full of shades and shadows of things that have been and could be again.  If you like ghost stories and spooky houses then Gallant will be right up your street.  It is a beautifully written Gothic tale and I enjoyed it very much. I will be reading more of this author's work in the future.  Happy Reading!

BB Marie x

AD: This book was sent to me by the publisher for the purposes of review.  It is available now in both digital and hard cover formats. 

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