"FUIMUS - We Have Been"

"FUIMUS - We Have Been!" motto of Clan Bruce

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Saturday 23 April 2022

BOOK NOOK; Fierce Fairytales by Nikita Gill

"They called the Hatter
completely mad.
Because he is cursed
to both remember
and to forget.

They call me mad too
Because my curse is to heal
through remembering
everything you tried
to make me forget."

As today is St George's Day, I thought I would share an alternative version of the dragon slaying prince.  In Fierce FairytalesNikita Gill has transformed well-loved tales and turned them into feminist works of art.  In this collection the dragon-slayer is met with a less than grateful princess who has no interest in his heroics;

"You thought I must be in need of saving? Because you are in need of a wife? How archaic and condescending."

This sums up the tone of the whole book, which takes the reader on a journey through all the fairytales and legends of childhood, giving them such a striking face-lift that the words are sure to stay with you long after you have finished reading.  Here you will meet a dragon who is the epitome of independence and freedom, an evil queen who revels in her power and reputation, a sleeping beauty who knows how to awaken herself and a Hercules who is allowed to cry. 

Fierce Fairytales is a collection of both poetry and prose, a mix of verse and short stories, all with a deeply feminist twist.  It isn't an angry collection in the way that the poet, Amanda Lovelace's work is - this book doesn't project that same style of literary fury at the reader and it is much gentler in tone.  However, the overall message is just as powerful as that of Lovelace, though I would say that I enjoyed Fierce Fairytales  much more than the Women Are Some Kind of Magic trilogy, which is very angry at times.  This book however, made me laugh, smile and cry, all at the same time. 

The poems are well crafted, the prose is powerful and each tale is skillfully put together to create a more empowering version of the stereotypes we all grew up with.  Some of my favourites were The Hatter, Waking Beauty, Gretal After Hansel, The Moon Dragon, Ode to the Catcaller Down the Street and Man Up, Hercules. I also enjoyed Svengali Girl, which for some reason made me think of modern Influencer culture, and Metamorphosis, which seemed to explore the psychological trait of Freeze, from the Fight, Flight or Freeze response to trauma. 

Fierce Fairytales is a very captivating and beautiful book, one designed to carry you away to an enchanted realm full of princesses, queens, witches, mermaids and dragons. It is a world where female power is yours for the taking.  All you have to do is find your voice, speak up and claim it! 
Happy St Georgina's Day! May your Moon Dragon always fly free! 
BB Marie x

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