"FUIMUS - We Have Been"

"FUIMUS - We Have Been!" motto of Clan Bruce

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Sunday 1 September 2024

BOOK NOOK: The Ravenswood Witch by Jenni Keer

"There's a wickedness within this house, on the Greybourne lands, and even in our village. It's like Ravenswood has pulled in all the dark forces for miles around - a terrifying whirlwind sucking everything that is monstrous into its eye." 

As today is the first day of meteorological autumn it seems fitting that I have just finished reading this spooky witchy novel, which has held me in its grip for the past two days. I was sent a ARC of The Ravenswood Witch by the publisher, Boldwood Books and I have enjoyed it immensely. Autumn is the perfect time of year to read witchy books and I am always on the lookout for exciting new titles in this genre. 

I would describe The Ravenswood Witch as being a Gothic mystery, with a subplot of witchery. The witchcraft isn't the main thread of the story, but more of an intriguing backdrop to a murder mystery which is set in the late 1800s. It is quite a slow burn, but this adds to the atmosphere as you come to know the house and its inhabitants over a period of time, just as the main protagonist does. 

In this novel, she is fleeing from a troubled past when she bumps into Marcus Greybourne and suffers a broken ankle from her subsequent fall. In order to escape the policemen who are following her, she agrees to play the part of Marcus's wife Luna, who has mysteriously disappeared. In the arms of her rescuer, the newly named Luna is carried back to his house, Ravenswood, a dilapidated Gothic mansion standing on the edge of a dense forest.  

There they make an agreement not to pry into one another's past, but to focus on building a believable marriage together.  Luna sees this as an opportunity to escape her own troubles and is willingly drawn into the shadowy world of Ravenswood. However, her new husband failed to mention that his missing wife was rumoured to be a witch and now the new Luna has to live with that reputation and all the danger it brings.

The novel has a duel narrative, with well-drawn characters in both storylines. The way these plots merge together was quite a twist and this novel has lots of surprises to keep you guessing. Just when you think you've foreseen what's going on, the plot thickens or turns and turns again. It's certainly a page-turner!  It has echoes of Jane Eyre and Rebecca, with a touch of Victoria Holt's mastery of Gothic storytelling. Personally, I would have preferred it to be a little faster paced, but the slow unfolding of the plot didn't diminish my enjoyment of the novel, and things do speed up at the last few chapters, so it leads to a breath-taking ending. 

The Ravenswood Witch is a suspenseful novel, with plenty of satisfying twists, a very Gothic atmosphere and an adorable raven familiar and psychopomp, named Bran, who I simply loved! It's not the strongest witchy book I've ever read, but it was very enjoyable and it is the perfect eerie mystery novel to kick off the autumnal spooky season. So as the nights begin to draw in and its time to light the candles again, this is a novel that will keep you company during the chilly evenings this autumn. It's worth reading just to meet Bran! 

"Quoth the raven, nevermore."

Bright Blessings

Marie x

AD: This novel was sent to me by the publisher for the purposes of review. It will be released on 30th September 2024 in all formats and is up for Pre-Oder now. 

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