"FUIMUS - We Have Been"

"FUIMUS - We Have Been!" motto of Clan Bruce

All material on SHIMMERCASTDREAMS copyright of Marie Bruce MA and may not be reproduced without the author's permission.

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Wednesday 29 May 2024

MUSICAL DOLL; Girls Aloud Tour!


It's after midnight and I have just got home from seeing the Girls Aloud tour.  It was my first time going out-out since my riding accident and it was just what I needed.  I glammed up my post operative splints with a rose corsage, doped myself up on pain relief medication and off I went! Nothing was going to stop me from attending, not even being in recovery from an accident.

The show was well worth seeing. The Girls performed all their biggest hits and I had such a great time. They opened up with Untouchable, wearing all white sparkly costumes, complete with ruffles and feathers galore, against a pretty pink backdrop. It was such an elegant and feminine start to the show.  The concert seemed to include all the tracks from their Ten album and it was a real bop. They had pyrotechnics and laser lights that illuminated the stage like a huge disco. Everyone was up dancing and singing and the atmosphere was incredibly joyful.

Of course there were several tributes to Sarah Harding, the band member who sadly died of breast cancer in 2021. She didn't even reach her 40th birthday, which is immensely sad. The tributes were very moving and I had tears rolling down my cheeks at one point, because I had honestly expected her to come through the illness and live well again on the other side of it, just like my mother and Kylie both did when they had the same illness. It was sad, beautiful, tragic, but also wonderful to see that she is still as much a part of the band as ever, singing her vocals on the big screen, with certain lyrics played on a loop to create a moving refrain. Everyone was holding up their phones to create a sea of light that looked like stars in a dark sky. It was incredibly touching and not something that I will ever forget. The tour program also includes a page dedicated to the Sarah Harding Breast Cancer fund, with details on how you can donate.  So she is still making her presence felt and shining a light of goodness into the world. 

My favourite part of the show was when the Girls came up through the stage on motorbikes, which then flew out into the audience as they performed Wake Me Up, which was just brilliant! I loved that. I've never seen it done with flying motorbikes before.  They performed all my favourite songs such as The Show, Love Machine, Call the Shots, Can't Speak French and The Loving Kind. Then they finished with The Promise, complete with a glitter drop fall and cannon fired streamers. It was all just wonderful and although it was great to see the band as a whole, Cheryl has always been my favourite, so I'm delighted that I finally got to see her perform live. That was a real treat and I felt quite starstruck!

I picked up a couple of souvenirs, including the program, the tote bag and a travel cup that has the lyrics "I got my cappuccino to go" written on it, from the song Biology. It was a really fun night out and their tour isn't over yet, so if you get the chance to go and see them I would encourage you to go. It's a brilliant concert, very moving and incredibly fun too. 

I had a fantastic time! I'm feeling a little drained now though and I need to rest my wrists, so I'm off to bed to read my tour program. Night night. 

BB Marie x

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