"FUIMUS - We Have Been"

"FUIMUS - We Have Been!" motto of Clan Bruce

All material on SHIMMERCASTDREAMS copyright of Marie Bruce MA and may not be reproduced without the author's permission.

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Friday 13 August 2021


Corn and grain, corn and grain, all that falls shall rise again...

August marks the beginning of the harvest season and it has been a lovely harvest for me this year, full of abundant achievement!  Tonight I completed and submitted my final dissertation for the Masters degree.  I'm three weeks ahead of deadline, because I like to work ahead on all my writing projects and because it has been so much fun to work on this extended assignment.  So now, all the academic work is done and I just need to sit back and wait for the results to come in next month.  I'm keeping everything crossed that this assignment passes as well as all my others have. Then I should be attending the post-grad graduation ceremony this November.  I've already bought a new dress and matching shoes for that event and I'm quite looking forward to it.  I will be a bag of nerves, just like last time, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it once the formal stagy bit is over and done with.

Harvest is when we reap what we have sown earlier in the year and in years gone by, and next month I should be attending the long postponed launch of the university anthology that features my work of flash fiction, inspired by my soldier friends.  It should have launched last autumn, but due to Covid, it was postponed. Now we have an actual date for the launch event next month and I'm very much looking forward to it.  It should be a fun night out - or as much fun as academic events can get!  I've got a new dress for that too. 😊

I've had a bad flare up of M.E. chronic fatigue these last few weeks, so I've been resting as much as possible.  I'm hoping to be well enough for the events I have coming up this autumn as I have worked hard for them all.  Fortunately, I can still write, even when I'm on bed rest, so I have still been able to meet my academic commitments and deadlines.  It's going to be strange not returning to university next month, but now that I have completed my Masters course, I am making plans for alternative study.  September just wouldn't be the same if I didn't have some kind of studying to look forward to starting!  I enjoy all the back to school buzz, because you're never too old for education. I have my eye on a new learning environment and I'm hoping to enroll there next month.

I also have new projects in the pipeline that I'm working on, one of which I am very excited about, as it's a dream come true for me. To be asked to collaborate in this way, on such a lovely project, is an honour.    Creative projects take time to evolve, but I am working with a fantastic team and I'm sure it will all run smoothly.  But suffice to say, this is something I have wanted to do for years - so I'm thrilled that I'm finally going to get the chance!  It's all so exciting!

So this autumn will bring with it new achievements, new projects, new studies, new qualifications and celebrations - and as always, new victories - because all that falls shall rise again, no matter what. That is the law of nature. And to celebrate, you can bet that there will be more afternoon teas like this one on the cards...hopefully I'll look at lot healthier next teatime...this was taken in the midst of the M.E. flare up so I look poorly, because I was! It was a delicious tea though. 
Happy harvest, may you reap as you've sown. 
BB Marie x



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