"FUIMUS - We Have Been"

"FUIMUS - We Have Been!" motto of Clan Bruce

All material on SHIMMERCASTDREAMS copyright of Marie Bruce MA and may not be reproduced without the author's permission.

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Monday 13 January 2020


Friday was the Wolf Moon - the full moon of January and the first one of the year, of the decade.  It is supposed to be the coldest moon of the year, but the weather recently has been quite mild. Nonetheless I decided to bring a touch more winter's magic to my home.  My house is already decorated to represent the season of winter because this is my favourite time of year.  

I am enjoying the long dark nights and the peace and quiet that wintertime brings with it, as people hole up indoors and keep the season in their own way.   Because let's not forget that winter has really only just begun, though many people seem to think that the end of Christmas is the start of spring - it isn't, it's the beginning of winter. So let's enjoy it! Let's keep the winter properly, and all the magic that goes with it.

Winter witchery is all about cleansing and bringing in the light that is lacking in the natural world right now.  I wanted to bring a touch more 'snow' to my decor, so I got out my chest of crystals and cleansed them all with incense and running water.  Then I picked out all the wintry ones - snowy quartz, clear quartz, icy blue lace agate, iron pyrite, snowflake obsidian and my much loved rose quartz - and dotted them around my house.

To me these crystals are a lovely representation of winter and they resemble snow balls, ice, snowflakes and the icy pink of a crisp winters sunrise.  When the odd sunbeam does filter into the house, they sparkle like winter snow along the hearth and coffee table.  They lend even more prettiness to my home, with the additional benefit of their crystal magic attracting all good things to me - love, wealth, positivity and so on.

There is a purity to crystals and crystal magic that I absolutely  love.  I want my home, my personal space, to feel pure and free of negativity that's why I always have amethyst out too, as it soaks up any negative energy and neutralizes it.  After a long shift at the practice dealing with clients all day, or in university lectures,  it is essential to me that I come home to a pure space - and that any negative vibes lingering on me from all those interactions with the public, are instantly cleansed away as I sit in my oak-leaf carved rocking chair and unwind.   That's the beauty of crystal magic - it's relatively effortless.  Providing you cleanse the crystals regularly, they will keep attracting the good and neutralizing the bad.

I also decided to cleanse my divination cards and crystals.  I have three crystal pendulums - one quartz, one rose quartz and one opal. These are easy enough to cleanse in running water and moonlight. The cards are trickier and as I have quite a few decks it can take a while.  I like to smudge my cards using white sage bundles - I find that this is the easiest way to keep them pure, so that they are a joy to use. 

I have about 13 decks and counting, so it can take a while!  But it means that all my decks are ready to use in the coming year.
While I don't do readings for others, except occasionally for friends and family, I do personal readings regularly and I like to pull a card each day to see what the vibe of that day is likely to be.  So my cards get frequent use and don't just sit on a shelf.  I do like to keep them in their boxes though, to keep them pretty.   The Victoria Frances Oracle deck is my current favourite, though it might be a little dark if you don't like Gothic Art. 

As the white sage was already burning I did a quick house cleansing too, sweeping away the lingering energies of 2019 and making way for all the good energies of 2020 to take up residence in my home.  So now I feel magically prepared for the year ahead.
My tools are fresh and clean, my home is cleansed, and the crystals keep it pure and sparkling.  It always feels good to spend so much time at home and I know that I am lucky not to have to work a 9-5 job, but that also means that my house has to feel calm and peaceful in its atmosphere, because I'm here much of the time.  Crystal magic helps me to achieve that.

I have always enjoyed the Wolf Moon.  I like the historical association of it being when the wolves of old would come closer to castles and villages in search of food, and while for some people 'the wolf at the door' is traditionally a threat and a sign of hard times to come (ie winter), for me he has always been more of a pet than a threat -  so much so that I invited him in as a totem and put his picture on the wall!  Enjoy the magic of the Wolf Moon phase.
Blessed Be
Marie x   

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