"FUIMUS - We Have Been"

"FUIMUS - We Have Been!" motto of Clan Bruce

All material on SHIMMERCASTDREAMS copyright of Marie Bruce MA and may not be reproduced without the author's permission.

Disclaimer; As of June 2018 ShimmerCastDreams incorporates some affiliate links.

Sunday 7 April 2019

ONCE UPON A DREAM; All Is Calm, All Is Bright

We may be long past Christmas, but right now all is calm, all is bright in my life...and it has been a long time coming! After several years of stress and negative influences clogging up my life, I now feel that my new bliss cycle has well and truly begun.  Christmas was a turning point for me; a time when I finally said "That's it, I'm done!" with certain situations and individuals.  Once I'd made the decision to leave them behind in 2018, 2019 began to offer up it's gifts to me instead. 

Although it's only just springtime, the year holds great promise. I am enjoying the few hours a week that I work at the practice.  I work with some of the nicest people I have ever met.  They are very sweet and kind - which is a big difference from the two years I spent with the tutor-from-hell!  This new role is allowing my gentle nature full sway; I no longer feel under threat or duress, so I am free to be myself, rather than being on my guard all the time, waiting for the next attack.   I have found a role in an environment that suits me, where my true Timotei-girl nature can shine, without fear of people taking advantage or exploiting that gentleness in any way.  

It is also nice to have a steady salary that I can rely on.  For years I have lived only from my writing income, but this can be quite stress inducing as I constantly have to chase commissions and payments etc.  Now I have the luxury of being employed and self-employed at the same time, which means I have the best of both worlds and it has meant that I've been enjoying some lovely shopping trips, treating myself to lots of feminine fripperies, which all help to make my life even more beautiful. 

My writing is back in full swing too, as I write my psychotherapy column every month, which I am really enjoying.  It's great to finally be writing regularly on a completely different topic.  It feels like I am flexing my writer's muscles once more, stretching out into a new genre and making my presence known there.   In addition, I have also been asked to write a regular piece for a successful counselling services practice, which means I have effectively got two regular psychotherapy commissions.  Two columns means twice the work, but it is a fantastic opportunity to make a name for myself in this sphere of writing; my editors are pleased with my columns and it's all going really well.  

The best of it is that any old enemies I have, have no idea who my new publishers and editors are, so there is no danger of them trying to piggy-back on my success, or when that doesn't work, of them trying to sabotage my good name with their envy.  Hatred and jealousy is a natural consequence of success in any field, but once it has been identified, it makes sense to protect yourself from it in future, which is why I don't mention who my new columns are for.  I keep all my writing cards close to my chest now.   I worked hard to get to where I am - I won't allow anyone to take it from me just because they are envious.  So my writing career has been ring-fenced and with it, my future prospects. 

I have lots of things to look forward to this year as well.  Ice-skating will recommence after the school holidays and I have a holiday to Loch Lomond booked for later this year, which I'm really looking forward to.  It will be wonderful to be back in Scotland once more and I can't wait to be out on a boat again, this time on the beautiful Loch Lomond.  I also have tickets to see Little Mix this autumn (because Ariana Grande was all sold out) so that will be fun.  And of course, I go back to University in September to begin my Masters Degree, which I am beyond excited about.  

So it would seem that my 'Midas-Touch ' is back in control and 'everything is just coming' to me again.  After years of having all the dead wood stripped from my life I am ready and eager for this period of new growth, which has touched all aspects of my life, both personally and professionally.  I now have a new job, a new income, a new publisher and editors, a new writing genre of qualified expertise bringing in new commissions, a new Master's Degree place at University, and holidays and concerts to look forward to.

I have even created a brand new professional blog!  I decided I wanted a new online space that was fresh and new, a place where I can write and which old enemies can't even find!  The new blog is all part of my fresh start, and while I still plan to post here on ShimmerCastDreams as my hobby writing,  I will also be building up the new professional blog as well.  It is still being tweaked, but it feels like a relief to have an online space which is far away from the prying eyes of those who are no longer in my life, or who think to use my blog for their own spiteful purposes. Or those who use this blog to check in with me, so that they don't have to make the effort to actually be in my life, in a real way.   So I have ring-fenced my life in the Blogosphere too.

Everything is new and fresh and clean.  Everything is pure and protected and free from spite, sabotage, negativity and time-wasters.  Free from prying eyes, gossip and lies, my life is a calm space of pure liberty and serenity.  All is quiet and bright and peaceful.  I couldn't be happier with how things are going for me now and I love my tranquil, positive, happy, successful life. 

So just because someone has attempted to ruin your life in the past, even if they managed to do temporary damage at the time, they will only win in the long term if you allow them to.  Ring-fence your assets, move onto new pastures where they can't find you to make you their target a second time and refuse to allow negative, spiteful people and their associates, into your life again.  

Living well is the best revenge and your enemies will only reap the life they deserve.  So look to a brighter future, put your prettiest face forward, remember that serenity reigns supreme and...
Because I'm a Bruce - 
I was born to rise above it and be regal. 

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