"FUIMUS - We Have Been"

"FUIMUS - We Have Been!" motto of Clan Bruce

All material on SHIMMERCASTDREAMS copyright of Marie Bruce MA and may not be reproduced without the author's permission.

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Friday 5 October 2018

ONCE UPON A DREAM; When One Door Closes...

"When one door closes, another one opens" or so the saying goes. I have experienced the truth of this several times in my life.  The problem is that the new door rarely opens as soon as the old door has closed - there is usually a time of waiting to endure in between.  During this time, it can be difficult to keep the faith that a new door will open for you at some point and you might find yourself becoming disheartened.  

I have mentioned before that in recent years it has felt as if my own life was under-going some kind of magical transformation.  Such transformations are very hard to live through!  For me, it meant feeling as if everything I cared for was being stripped away from me, through no fault of my own.  This happened systematically, over the period of about seven years.  

Recently however, I have begun to experience new doors opening for me and new opportunities coming my way.  To embrace this change, I spent time this week packing away all my old counselling course work and text books.  It began as a bit of a tidy up and ended with the cathartic experience of having boxed it all up and put a lid on it.  I don't need that stuff anymore and as I packed it all away, I felt a huge sense of relief that that part of my life as a counselling student is over.  Now that I am qualified it is time to move on to a new chapter.

This harvest season has brought some exciting new opportunities my way already, beginning with my new monthly psychotherapy  column. That was the first new door that opened up to me and one that I am very excited about. I am looking forward to seeing where this leads me, in terms of my writing and building a new audience. 

In addition, I will now be getting paid to use all my counselling skills in a clinical practice setting! No more volunteering and doing the job for free - now I will be paid to work a few hours a week.  Again, this is a new door that has swung wide open for me and welcomed me in.  I enjoyed the interview process and I am really looking forward to being a part of a new professional team, plus I will have lots of time for my writing, which is still my main job, so I will have the best of both worlds.  I was offered the role a couple of weeks ago, following my interview and I take up the post next week. I'm really looking forward to working in a clinical practice, helping the general public again. 

Plus I have been in touch with the principle of a ballet studio and I will be starting ballet classes very soon!  I have all my ballet slippers prepped and ready to go.  I can't describe how much I am looking forward to this.  It has been one of my goals for some years, but I couldn't do it before, as the ballet class runs at the same time as my counselling classes were held. Now that I'm no longer in night classes, I am free to take up the ballet class instead, which in turn will help with my ice-skating and make me a stronger skater. That's the plan anyway! 

So I am in a really good place right now and I couldn't be happier with how my life is going.  Doors are now opening for me left, right and centre! Everything is falling into place. All the hard work and effort of the last few years is paying off, and I now have a new column, a new publisher, a new profession, a new hobby and a new sense of getting everything I want! My new bliss cycle has begun and as Ariana says, "the light is coming, to give back everything the darkness stole"...


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