A group of unicorns is known as a 'blessing'. In folklore these creatures are said to bring good fortune and they can only be tamed and ridden by a virgin. They are a symbol of purity and the magical alicorn upon their brow can purify water and detect poison. It also has healing powers.
I have always loved unicorns. I have a unicorn key-ring and tea-cup; and as a pony-mad child I had pictures of them all around my bedroom. I still have one of these pictures (the last survivor!) and a few unicorn statues in my study where I write. So when I was walking through the city centre to my counselling placement last week and I saw Paperchase had a new range of unicorn stationery in the window, I popped in to take a peek.
I have been on the hunt for a new organiser or agenda because my academic diary is now due to run out. I wanted something pretty and small enough to carry in my bag, so A5 or smaller. I was spoilt for choice with the new Flyaway range! They have everything a feminine heart could desire, from water bottles and lunch boxes to coloured pencils and pencil cases - all designed with a pretty print of unicorns and winged deer, lama and rabbits! It is such a beautiful range and it is the kind of enchanted world most magical writers want to live in. It suits my personality, so I started to look for a new organiser.
I finished up getting a few bits from the range, as you do; I got a lovely academic diary to keep track of all my client appointments, supervision sessions etc. Hopefully this should see me through to the completion of my clinical hours. It is A5 and has pictures of unicorns and winged creatures on every single page, plus a page of stickers for things like holidays, doctor appointments, parties etc. It was just perfect for what I needed, so I got one. I love this design so much that I also got a perpetual personal organiser, so once the new academic diary is finished next summer, I can just use yearly Filofax inserts in the organiser and still enjoy the Flyaway artwork for years to come. This is in pink, so it goes with everything I've bought this year.
I like to use clipboards too. I always have a clipboard and pad by the side of my bed because it is usually in the half state between sleeping and wakefulness that I have some of my best writing ideas and I like to note them down asap. So I got an A4 Flyaway clipboard for this purpose and the old wooden one I was using, that used to give me splinters, can go in the bin! Plus I bought a little folder of sticky post-it notes, page markers, to-do list and memo pad, which will come in very useful. Finally, I got pink index cards to write down a new set of affirmations, because all my old affirmations have now come true; and some pretty pink and white love-heart paperclips.
So now my office supplies have been replenished with a beautiful new unicorn makeover! The good thing about being a self-employed writer is that shopping sprees like this are tax-deductible. Stationery is a legitimate business expense, but no-one says it has to be boring, so why would you not buy pretty? And when office supplies come as beautiful as these, its hard not to get carried away by the unicorn dream...

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